Spider: Black Widow (Giant)     

Species: Spider. Breed: Black Widow, Large. Class: Insect (Monster). Align: Basic instinct creature. Gender: Female.


Level: 19 + 1-D12. Damage-Points: 3-D8 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 160 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 27, Sense of Smell: 26, Sixth Sense: 18, Taste: 30, Touch: 40, Vision: 27,

Charisma -: Appearance: Giant black widow spider. Speech: 12, Constitution: 40,

Coordination: 40, Dexterity: 40, Intelligence: 3, Mental-Strength: 50, Strength: 80, Wisdom: 3.



Flying: Can't. Grounded: 16. Swimming: Can't.


Luck: 1-D6 per level.

Oxygen-Points: 150.

Blood-Points: 120.



Bites ---------- : 2

Damage ------ : 1-D12 (+1-D12 per level advanced).

Range -------- : 2 spaces (10'). Can leap and attack a creature 8 spaces away.

Attack type - : Needle.

Special ------- : Black widow venom: If 50%+ damage is inflicted on a bite, prey will injected with black widow venom that will take effect 3 turns (15 seconds). See: "Special Offenses".


Avoidance-Roll?: Yes. vs. "Poison" or suffer the following effects for 3-D10 moons:


Failed avoidance-roll:

1: 60% miss chance when attacking, due pain and instant sickness.

2: 80% ability and spell failure.

3: Avoid vs. "Poison" ever 24 hours for the duration of the venom, or be slain (luck can be used, but will not regenerate during this 3-D10 day period (because it is the same situation that has not ended --- luck regenerates to full AFTER each situation has ended).


Successful avoidance-roll:

1: 40% miss chance when attacking, due pain and instant sickness.

2: 50% ability and spell failure.

3: Avoid vs. "Poison" (two chances to succeed) ever 24 hours for the duration of the venom, or slip into a coma with a 25% chance to be slain (luck can be used, but will not regenerate during this 3-D10 moons period (because it is the same situation that has not ended --- luck regenerates to full AFTER each situation has ended).


Defense: 40. Offense: 40.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

02+ to have 2-D8.

Begin rolling on the Rare chart.

All treasure will be in the nest of this creature.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes (total incapacitation instead of death).

Sudden Death Strike?: Yes (total incapacitation instead of death).

Height: 8'-0", Length: 16'-0", Weight: 3,000 Lbs., Skin color: Black with a red hour glass upon the base of the abdomen, Skin texture: Smooth, Eye color: Black, Eye shape: Large-sized and round.


Description - : The Giant Black Widow appears to be a common black widow, yet massive in size. The presence of this spider is quite terrifying, and it hold an intelligence in its dark eyes.


Dislikes ----- : None.

Disposition - : Calculating and aggressive.

Fears -------- : None.

Habitat ------ : Many of the more dangerous regions.

Immunities - : Immune to all forms of poison.

Life-span --- : 3 Ages (3,000 years).

Likes -------- : None.

Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (sustenance, shelter, Etc.).

Note --------- : The Large Black Widow Spider is exactly the same as the common one - with the red hour glass on its under belly - but is of huge size and strength. It is pure, shiny black and waits for its victims to trigger off vibrations in its webbing which it builds.


The Large Black Widow seems lethargic and slow. Don't be deceived by this. This puts her victims at a great disadvantage when they think they have time to move and evade.


Her webbing will hold creatures securely in it unless an Avoidance-roll vs. "Paralysis" is successful. Each time this roll is failed the ensnared creature will be unable to free itself for a time as follows:


Strength: Turns caught in web if Avoidance-roll vs. "Paralysis" is failed:
5-20:        1-D20
21-40:      1-D12
41-60:      1-D10
61-80:      1-D8
81-100:    1-D6
  101+:     1-D4 turns


The fangs of this creature are highly sought after by the Locust Magician, as they are a spell component.


When the Large Black Widow mates, it will kill the male, as usually among the common breed, but does not die after laying her eggs (as does the common black widow). (5-D20 eggs are laid at once).


The young that hatch will fight to the death, eating each other, until only the few strongest survive. Some will leave and find a different place to make a den, carrying on the same life-cycle.


Special Abilities:

Can climb as easily on a rough vertical surface as a horizontal surface.


Special Defenses:

Damage-Reduction: 18

Special abilities to turn:

Acid --------- : 71+

Blunt -------- : 61+

Cold --------- : 61+

Electricity -- : 76+

Fire ---------- : 66+

Needle ------ : 56+

Sharp -------- : 66+


Venom Retribution: This creature has spike-like hairs on its back which can cause the same damage as its bite to would be attackers from above and behind (this is a natural defense and retribution against predators, which must make a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Coordination" to avoid these spike each turn in contact with the Large Black Widow).


Note: Striking this creature with a weapon will not cause Venom Retribution. A creature must physically touch it with a hand, fist, or jump on it, grapple with it, Etc.


Special Offenses:

Armor Penetration: The fangs of a Giant Black Widow will penetrate past armor types without damaging the armor when a maximum-strike occurs (spider rolls an offensive attack that hits for +30 over the defensive roll of its prey).


Remember: Poison will only be injected on a strike causing 50%+ damage.

Also: Players need to remember to check armor's chance to turn needle attacks. This may yet save them from being poisoned.


Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: None.

Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-0 non-magical weapon to harm.